Measurements of BLE signal strength (RSSI) dependency on the range indoors
There is not much results of Bluetooth Low Energy range measurements to be found on the web. The primary reason is that it’s hard to control for environment, wall and floor materials. That being said, the numerous use cases for Bluetooth LE, from now on BLE, exactly in that type of environment, indoors. We, at Mondevices, decided to fill that gap.
Description of Setup
We took various BLE devices that transmit packets about 10 times per second and varied antenna designs. Most of PCBs were based on TI chip CC254x family. We have also included a combination of CC2541 with a power amplifier CC2590 and also used Texas instrument RF Studio with a mounted antenna. Below is a detailed description of the devices used.
- CC2590 Wire = CC2541/CC2590 with 30.6mm wire antenna perpendicular to the PCB, TX power set to +10dBm see attachment CC2590_WIRE.jpg
- CC2590_MIFA = CC2541/CC2590 with MIFA wire antenna, TX power set to +10dBm, see attachment CC2590_MIFA
- TI_DEV = Texas Instrument evaluation module with CC2540, TX power set to +4dBm, see attachment TI_DEV.jpg
- DI_POLE2 = Your prototype di-pole antenna PCB, TX power set to +4dBm, see attachment DI_POLE2.jpg
- MollyCHIP1 = Standard monBaby PCB with standard chip antenna, TX power set to +4dBm, see attachment Standard_monBaby.jpg
- WIRE = Standard monBaby PCB with 30.6mm WIRE antenna perpendicular to PCB, TX power set to +4dBm, see attachment monBaby_WIRE.jpg
Name | UUID | Description |
CC2590 MIFA | 68:9e:19:18:7a:a0 | CC2541+CC2590 amplifier using MIFA antenna |
WIRE | 20:91:48:4c:9b:c5 | CC2540 with vertical 1/4 wave-length antenna |
NoBattery | b4:99:4c:74:d6:99 | CC2540 with chip antenna and battery removed |
CC2590 Wire | 68:9e:19:18:83:f7 | CC2541+CC2590 amplifier using wire antenna |
TiDev | b4:99:4c:64:69:26 | TI Smart RF development kit antenna |
Roach1 | b4:99:4c:74:e8:c5 | CC2540 with wire antenna bent like roach antenna |
Wire3Coil | b4:99:4c:74:c5:92 | CC2540 with wire coiled around circular enclosure |
NoBattery | b4:99:4c:74:d6:99 | CC2540 with battery far away from PCB |
Molex Antenna | b4:99:4c:74:e4:8d | CC2540 with Molex spiral antenna |
Roach2 | b4:99:4c:74:b7:d5 | Roach 2 has antenna bent close to PCB |
MIFA | b4:99:4c:74:ef:0a | CC2540 (inverse F) MIFA antenna in the enclosure |
CHIP2Louise | b4:99:4c:74:b2:89 | CC2540 chip antenna called Louise in the enclosure |
CHIP1Molly | 20:91:48:4c:a3:8a | CC2540 chip antenna called Molly in the enclosure |
We have tried to find the best performing devices that could operate at furthers distances from the office and keep steady connection. We have found that TI RF Dev Kit and CC2590 booster are consistently perform better than other devices. TI Dev Kit has a large wave-length antenna and CC2590 boosts power transmission to 10 dbm, which is 4 times more than current chip antenna at 4 dbm setting or 8-9 times better than CC2541 0 dbm setting.
The photo of BLE range test setup describes positioning of all the test devices.
We tried all different combinations of antenna while trying to stay as close to same technology stack of TI CC254x family.
The close up of PCB with 1/4 wire antenna, CC2590 combo with MIFA and wire antenna.
We have conducted measurement of RSSI strength of advertising packets of all 13 devices using TI Smart RF packet sniffer. We stored the results and parsed them with our custom parser script written in python. The results are attached as plots and tables.
We did several measurements starting within in the same room in the office confines, then outside in the most RF challenging area of the kitchen and outside in the long corridor. The results of RSSI strength measurements of advertising packets are shown below. To avoid clatter on graphs we only display top three and top bottom plots. The tables shows stats for all
the devices. The kitchen area is very typical to every office and home, with metal surfaces of refrigerator, fax and printer machines and surrounding offices with BLE speakers, wearables and printers. Metal surfaces create destructive interference, where BLE signal interfere with itself. Other electronic devices create electromagnetic RF interferences. We counted around 200 BLE devices sending advertisement packets.
In the same room
In the office, same room where we placed all the devices, we can detect all the signals. This is an expected and obvious result. What is interesting that the biggest RSSI values we get from TI Dev Kit, CC2590 booster combo and, most surprising, just a simple vertical 1/4 wave length antenna positioned perpendicular to the PCB plane
The table below shows the stats for all the devices, not just top and bottom three. As one can see devices with power booster, CC2590, shows consistently on top.
UUID | Alias | MeanRSSI | StdDevRSSI | VarianceRSSI | MinRSSI | MaxRSSI | Count | FCSerrors | FCSerror% |
68:9e:19:18:83:f7 | CC2590 Wire |
-37.58 |
2.86 |
8.16 |
-50 |
-33 |
187 |
0 |
0 |
68:9e:19:18:7a:a0 | CC2590 MIFA |
-34.21 |
3.45 |
11.9 |
-47 |
-30 |
187 |
0 |
0 |
b4:99:4c:74:e8:c5 | Roach1 |
-44.31 |
2.95 |
8.72 |
-55 |
-40 |
186 |
0 |
0 |
20:91:48:4c:a3:8a | CHIP1Molly |
-55.22 |
2.98 |
8.87 |
-66 |
-51 |
186 |
2 |
1.08 |
b4:99:4c:64:69:26 | TiDev |
-42.95 |
3.27 |
10.71 |
-54 |
-38 |
185 |
0 |
0 |
20:91:48:4c:9b:c5 | WIRE |
-42.48 |
3.34 |
11.17 |
-54 |
-36 |
185 |
0 |
0 |
b4:99:4c:74:b7:d5 | Roach2 |
-57.35 |
3.13 |
9.78 |
-68 |
-50 |
176 |
6 |
3.41 |
b4:99:4c:74:e4:8d | Molex Ant |
-58.27 |
3.07 |
9.45 |
-68 |
-51 |
172 |
14 |
8.14 |
b4:99:4c:74:c5:92 | Wire3Coil |
-59.29 |
2.82 |
7.97 |
-67 |
-53 |
156 |
10 |
6.41 |
b4:99:4c:74:b2:89 | CHIP2Louise |
-61.53 |
2.4 |
5.78 |
-67 |
-58 |
97 |
28 |
28.87 |
b4:99:4c:74:d6:99 | NoBattery |
-60.29 |
2.82 |
7.95 |
-66 |
-54 |
78 |
18 |
23.08 |
b4:99:4c:74:ef:0a | MIFA |
-64.29 |
1.96 |
3.82 |
-68 |
-60 |
21 |
17 |
80.95 |
As one can see the strongest signals are from CC2590 combo with and without WIRE antenna, and from CC2540 with WIRE antenna. The percentage of FCS errors that demonstrate the data loss is also the least in CC2590+CC2541 combo and in CC2540 with the WIRE antenna.
In the RF dead zone – the kitchen
The kitchen is one of the most challenging from RF interference perspective environments. Here only a few devices survived.
The table below shows the stats for all the devices in the kitchen.
UUID | Alias | MeanRSSI | StdDevRSSI | VarianceRSSI | MinRSSI | MaxRSSI | Count | FCSerrors | FCSerror% |
68:9e:19:18:83:f7 | CC2590 Wire |
-60.59 |
1.87 |
3.5 |
-66 |
-57 |
133 |
0 |
0 |
20:91:48:4c:9b:c5 | WIRE |
-64.62 |
1.7 |
2.87 |
-70 |
-58 |
125 |
6 |
4.8 |
b4:99:4c:74:e8:c5 | Roach1 |
-68.07 |
1.45 |
2.1 |
-73 |
-65 |
114 |
10 |
8.77 |
68:9e:19:18:7a:a0 | CC2590 MIFA |
-68.44 |
2.94 |
8.63 |
-76 |
-62 |
114 |
14 |
12.28 |
b4:99:4c:74:b7:d5 | Roach2 |
-74.67 |
1.28 |
1.65 |
-77 |
-72 |
63 |
33 |
52.38 |
b4:99:4c:64:69:26 | TiDev |
-75 |
1.68 |
2.83 |
-79 |
-71 |
48 |
21 |
43.75 |
b4:99:4c:74:e4:8d | Molex Ant |
-75.98 |
1.01 |
1.02 |
-79 |
-73 |
46 |
34 |
73.91 |
b4:99:4c:74:c5:92 | Wire3Coil |
-76.94 |
1.48 |
2.18 |
-80 |
-75 |
32 |
25 |
78.13 |
b4:99:4c:74:d6:99 | NoBattery |
-77 |
2.6 |
6.77 |
-81 |
-71 |
13 |
7 |
53.85 |
b4:99:4c:74:b2:89 | CHIP2Louise |
-80 |
0 |
0 |
-80 |
-80 |
4 |
4 |
100 |
b4:99:4c:74:ef:0a | MIFA |
-79.67 |
0.47 |
0.22 |
-80 |
-79 |
3 |
3 |
100 |
20:91:48:4c:a3:8a | CHIP1Molly |
-80 |
1 |
1 |
-81 |
-79 |
2 |
1 |
50 |
Again in the kitchen are the strongest signal and lowest errors are in CC2590 combos and in WIRE antenna.
When we tried to walk beyond the kitchen table we only observed CC2590 combo surviving the distance and kitchen interference with high rate of data errors.
In the long corridor
We also did measurements in the corridor far away from the kitchen we got slightly better results.
UUID | Alias | MeanRSSI | StdDevRSSI | VarianceRSSI | MinRSSI | MaxRSSI | Count | FCSerrors | FCSerror% |
68:9e:19:18:7a:a0 | CC2590 MIFA |
-66.67 |
2.92 |
8.52 |
-78 |
-63 |
87 |
1 |
1.15 |
20:91:48:4c:9b:c5 | WIRE |
-71.19 |
2.89 |
8.33 |
-81 |
-68 |
68 |
7 |
10.29 |
b4:99:4c:74:d6:99 | NoBattery |
-74.62 |
1.74 |
3.04 |
-83 |
-72 |
60 |
13 |
21.67 |
68:9e:19:18:83:f7 | CC2590 Wire |
-73.67 |
3.28 |
10.76 |
-80 |
-67 |
52 |
7 |
13.46 |
b4:99:4c:64:69:26 | TiDev |
-72.45 |
3.06 |
9.34 |
-79 |
-67 |
42 |
4 |
9.52 |
b4:99:4c:74:e8:c5 | Roach1 |
-75.35 |
1.85 |
3.4 |
-78 |
-71 |
34 |
9 |
26.47 |
b4:99:4c:74:c5:92 | Wire3Coil |
-77.6 |
0.8 |
0.64 |
-79 |
-76 |
15 |
4 |
26.67 |
Not surprisingly the strongest signals and lowest FCS errors are from CC2590 combo with and without WIRE antenna, and from CC2540 with WIRE antenna.
Walking towards the advertising devices
The last test in this document we have walked from the area past the kitchen towards the advertising devices. Below is the graph that shows graphs and tables with RSSI values.
UUID | Alias | MeanRSSI | StdDevRSSI | VarianceRSSI | MinRSSI | MaxRSSI | Count | FCSerrors | FCSerror% |
68:9e:19:18:7a:a0 | CC2590 MIFA |
-58.8 |
10.72 |
115.02 |
-74 |
-34 |
51 |
2 |
3.92 |
68:9e:19:18:83:f7 | CC2590 Wire |
-58.66 |
11.73 |
137.62 |
-77 |
-34 |
50 |
5 |
10 |
20:91:48:4c:9b:c5 | WIRE |
-61.04 |
9.8 |
95.95 |
-76 |
-38 |
45 |
3 |
6.67 |
b4:99:4c:64:69:26 | TiDev |
-58.64 |
12 |
144.09 |
-77 |
-30 |
42 |
3 |
7.14 |
b4:99:4c:74:e8:c5 | Roach1 |
-59.68 |
9.36 |
87.57 |
-78 |
-43 |
31 |
2 |
6.45 |
b4:99:4c:74:d6:99 | NoBattery |
-61.81 |
12.61 |
159.04 |
-80 |
-42 |
27 |
3 |
11.11 |
b4:99:4c:74:e4:8d | Molex Ant |
-61.61 |
10.48 |
109.8 |
-82 |
-47 |
23 |
4 |
17.39 |
b4:99:4c:74:b7:d5 | Roach2 |
-62.95 |
8.07 |
65.09 |
-76 |
-51 |
21 |
1 |
4.76 |
b4:99:4c:74:c5:92 | Wire3Coil |
-64.68 |
7.5 |
56.22 |
-77 |
-50 |
19 |
4 |
21.05 |
b4:99:4c:74:ef:0a | MIFA |
-59.94 |
8.04 |
64.68 |
-74 |
-49 |
16 |
1 |
6.25 |
b4:99:4c:74:b2:89 | CHIP2Louise |
-64 |
4.55 |
20.67 |
-72 |
-58 |
12 |
2 |
16.67 |
20:91:48:4c:a3:8a | CHIP1Molly |
-63.5 |
6.95 |
48.25 |
-75 |
-52 |
12 |
5 |
41.67 |
Just like in previous experiments, we can see that the strongest signals and lowest data errors levels are in CC2590 combos.
We have conducted experiments indoors using different antenna configurations and designs on CC254x IoT SoC technology.
We have consistently observed that the strongest signals that survived both RF interference and distance are
- CC2590+CC2541 combo
- WIRE antenna